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七樂(lè )佳,給您一個(gè)環(huán)保健康的家。
       威海七樂(lè )佳新材料有限公司是一家專(zhuān)注從事環(huán)保水性漆開(kāi)發(fā)研制、生產(chǎn)和銷(xiāo)售的企業(yè)。公司
,掌握德國水性漆技術(shù)和系統涂裝方案。經(jīng)過(guò)多年的發(fā)展,七樂(lè )佳戶(hù)內、戶(hù)外水性漆系列產(chǎn)品,在國內外市場(chǎng)
漆彩中國夢(mèng),生態(tài)七樂(lè )佳!
       人類(lèi)共同擁有一個(gè)地球,保護好我們賴(lài)以生產(chǎn)的自然環(huán)境是我們共同的使命。七樂(lè )佳致力于為我們和我們的后代創(chuàng )造更加美好的生活。我們運用材料科學(xué)領(lǐng)域的技術(shù),創(chuàng )建解決方案,增進(jìn)、保護和改善性能,在努力減少資源消耗的同時(shí)也為世界的可持續發(fā)展做出貢獻。樂(lè )佳以“創(chuàng )新、共同成長(cháng)”為公司的核心經(jīng)營(yíng)理念。始終把對產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)放在重要位置,專(zhuān)注于客戶(hù)的品質(zhì)、科技的個(gè)性化需求,通過(guò)大家坦誠交換意見(jiàn)及開(kāi)誠布公的協(xié)作,與廣大用戶(hù)攜手發(fā)展并共同打造清新、健康的生活。

Company Profile

      Weihai Qilejia New Material Co., Ltd. is a Focusing on the research, development and production of environmentally friendly water-based paint. 

      Since its establishment, the company has been developing stably with the goal of making good water-based paint. The company boasts engineers who has over twenty years of rich experience in water-based paint research and development and masters the German water-based paint technology and painting scheme. After years of development, Qilejia series of indoor and outdoor water-based paint products have received unanimous good remarks from customers both at home and abroad. 

       As we share one world, protecting the natural environment on which we rely is our sense of common purpose. Qilejia is committed to creating a better life for us and our future generations. With full use of unique technologies in materials science, the company develops solutions that can enhance, protect and improve performance, contributing to the world's sustainable development while striving to reduce resource consumption as much as possible.

      Qilejia adheres to the core business philosophy of "innovation, professionalism and common growth" and always attaches great importance to the research and development of products. It is devoted to developing together with customers to create a fresh and healthy life by focusing on quality and technology personalized needs of customers and by virtue of frank exchange of views and open cooperation with customers.

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Copyright 2018  威海七樂(lè )佳新材料有限公司  版權所有        技術(shù)支持:威海雷迅在線(xiàn)   后臺登陸管理  魯ICP備19014130號-2   公司網(wǎng)址:www.youqiwu.net.cn www.whqlj.cn
北京 福建 廣東 山東 上海